Planning for Change

The first thing every start-up is told to prepare is a credible business plan but more established businesses can be undone by overly rigid visions. Here’s how to spruce up your plan for 2010 and embrace inevitable change.

La Confederación CEDE nos brinda en su Boletín Electrónico este artículo de John O’Hanlon, recogido de Growing

If you don’t have a plan, you don’t have a business, but the trouble with planning is that it can become the enemy of progress rather than an agent of change. Simply because no-one will take a young company seriously unless it can convince them it will turn over, say, £10m at the end of five years, the pressure is on to capture that vision, express it in figures, mission statements and market forecasts.

You have to do it, but where does planning leave the passion and creativity that are also essential when building a business? The best entrepreneurs are strategic thinkers as well as visionaries. If they don’t buy into their own plan, then nobody else is likely to be convinced it’s viable. And part of that is to know where and how the business is going to develop. They do it their way.

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Ver artículo completeo en inglés en Growing

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