Is a multi-generational workforce considered a problem, or an opportunity

Relevo generacional en las empresas

Artículo de European, recogida en la web de CEDE–The ageing workforce is a concerning issue, affecting many European governments and businesses. As people live longer and birth rates drop, a range of economic challenges to finance retirement and healthcare are brought to light, including the maintenance of the employment skills base. With more than 15 percent of its population over 65 years of age, Europe has the highest proportion of older people in the developed world. That figure is projected to increase in some socio-economically emerging regions, since Europe’s demographic change is also influenced by migration.

While many workers reaching retirement age embrace the opportunity of a change in lifestyle, there are just as many who, for financial reasons, whether through changes to the retirement age or simply because they enjoy to work, are not ready to retire. This potentially gives rise to a number of issues. With the older generation remaining in senior management positions – effectively blocking the promotion pipeline, intergenerational conflicts may develop as the number of top management opportunities available to young managers reduces. Business leaders may struggle to retain the enthusiasm and motivation of a generation who may have to wait an additional 10 years before reaching the most senior positions. There is a need to consider how to confront this issue and turn it into a positive situation for younger managers, whether by the introduction of ‘Google days’ (where managers are able to take time to look at business issues which are not within their day-to-day responsibilities), socially prolific work, or training for a sporting challenge.

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